Honors Conversions

Honors conversions include: (1) going more deeply into a method or theory, (2) addressing more sophisticated questions and/or including more advanced or demanding readings or problems, or (3) satisfying more rigorous standards than non-Honors coursework.


For PATHOBIOLOGY courses, this is typically achieved by writing a term paper, reviewing a research article, generating a poster or an oral presentation in class, doing an additional experiment in a laboratory class, a combination of these, and many other possible activities.


An approved conversion request form is due three weeks into the semester. The submission is done online by the student, and approved online by the instructor, and then by the Honors advisor.

It is important for the student to work with the instructor on short answers to the three Conversion Plan questions on the form:

  1. Describe the activities or assignments you will complete for your Honors conversion work.
  2. Provide the rationale for considering these activities or this project as Honors level work.
  3. Describe the agreement reached for maintaining regular contact between yourself and the instructor for review and discussion of the work as it develops.
    • Independent Study and Honors Thesis Courses do not require a Conversion Plan (but still require submission of a conversion request form).
    • Graduate courses (5000 and above) count as Honors credits (you do not need to complete a conversion request form).