Edan Tulman

Instructor in Residence

Courses Taught

  • PATH 1202, Fundamental Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
  • PATH 2200, Modern Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
  • PATH 2710, Medical Microbiology, Bacteria and Fungi (Co-taught)
  • PATH 2720, Medical Microbiology, Viruses and Parasites (Co-taught)
  • PATH 2800, Medical Cell Biology (Guest lecturer)
  • PATH 5632, Vaccines: Mechanisms of Immune Protection (Guest lecturer), currently PATH 5230

Education and Experience

  • MS, Pathobiology (Molecular Virology, Antiviral Immunity), University of Connecticut
  • Microbiologist (Pathogen Genomics), Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA
  • Research Associate (Genomics, Host response, Vaccines), UConn Center of Excellence for Vaccine Research (CEVR)
  • Partner (Molecular Microbiology and Diagnostics, Biorisk Management), Leidos Inc;
  • Teaching Adjunct, UConn Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science
  • Coordinator, US Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network (USAVRCN)
  • Member and Co-Investigator, UConn CEVR
  • Instructor in Residence, UConn Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science

Major Interests and Current Research

  • Pathogen virulence, host-range, and pathogen-host interaction
  • Pathogen genomic and phenotypic variation (gene families, phase variation)
  • Disease dynamics and evolution
  • Pathogen detection and diagnostics
  • Foreign animal disease
  • Vaccinology
  • Education/Training


Funding Agency: USDA NIFA. Steven J. Geary, P.I., Edan Tulman, Co-P.I.
Title: “U. S. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network” (2019-67015-29848)

Funding Agency: NIH. Dana Hawley, PI (Virginia Tech University); Steven J. Geary, Subawardee
Title: “Ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of host heterogeneity induced by prior exposure”  (1R01GM144972)

Funding Agency: USDA NIFA. Steven J. Geary, PI, Edan Tulman, Co-PI; Steven Szczepanek, Co-PI; Jessica Beaudet, Co-PI
Title: “Rational subunit vaccine for Mycoplasma gallisepticum” (2022-67016-37222)

Funding Agency: USDA. Steven J. Geary, PI (University of Connecticut), Eduardo Casas, PI (USDA NADC), Edan Tulman, Co-PI (UConn), Steven Szczepanek, Co-PI (UConn)
Title: “Host-pathogen Interactions and Control Strategies for Bacterial Respiratory Pathogens in Cattle”


  • Edan Tulman has transitioned to an Instructor in Residence after 19 years of competitively-funded vaccinology research as a Research Associate with Dr. Steven Geary at UConn CEVR. He received a BS in Physiology and Neurobiology and an MS in Pathobiology from UConn, and, prior to returning to UConn, he worked for the US Department of Agriculture studying high consequence pathogens and foreign animal disease at the USDA Plum Island Animal Disease Center. Tulman has a broad background in virology and mycoplasmology, featuring comparative genomics and transcriptomics and measures of pathogen virulence and host response and immunity in different animal model and natural infection systems. He is involved in a range of domestic and foreign scientific and training engagements toward improved biorisk management, improved networking across research, academic, industrial, health, and agricultural production, and increased food safety and security worldwide.


  • Tulman has authored over 65 peer-reviewed scientific articles or review chapters.

Current NCBI publication list:


Edan Tulman portrait
Contact Information
Phone(860) 486-8101
Lab: (860) 486-0836
Fax(860) 486-2794
Office LocationAtwater Laboratory, Room A110