The PATHO•BIOLOGY curriculum is designed for students preparing to enter medical, dental, physician assistant, MPH, veterinary, or graduate schools, and to pursue careers in global health, medical biotechnology, biomedical sciences, and many diverse laboratory and research positions in health fields.
PATHO•BIOLOGY majors must fulfill several requirements:
- General Education (University)
- College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR)
- Pathobiology (major)
- If applicable, Professional School (Medical, Dental, PA, MPH, Veterinary) or Graduate Programs
Many courses will fulfill more than one requirement.
PATHO•BIOLOGY major required courses:
- Requirements depend on your assigned catalog year. If you do not know your catalog year, view your Academic Requirements report in Student Admin and refer to the 'Catalog Year' section at the top of the report.
- Plans of Study list graduation requirements for the major and you can use them to track your progress toward earning the PATHO•BIOLOGY degree.
- Additional requirements for professional schools and other programs can be found here:
Catalog Years 2023-2024 and prior (i.e., started Spring 2024 or earlier)
Pathobiology majors who started or transferred into the major before Fall 2024 (Catalog Years 2023-2024 and prior) must pass the following courses:
- PATH 1000
- PATH 2100 or PNB 2264–2265 or PNB 2774–2775–2776 (or PNB 2274–2275)
- PATH 2710 or 2720 or MCB 2610
- PATH 3810 (or PATH 3100)
- PATH 3820 (or PATH 4300)
- One course in Biochemistry: MCB 2000 or MCB 3010
- One course in Genetics: MCB 2400 or MCB 2410 or ANSC 3121
- One course in Nutrition, Immunology, or Cell Biology: ANSC 1111, NUSC 1165, PATH 3401, MCB 4211, AH 3121, PATH 2800, or MCB 2210
- One of the following PATH courses: PATH 2301, PATH 3201/3201W, PATH 3401, PATH 3501, PATH 3700, PATH 4000, PATH 4203, or PATH 4230.
- Students must pass PATH 3094W or PATH 4197W (or 3201W) to fulfill their writing in the major requirement.
Check the Curriculum Map (graphic representation) of the PATHO•BIOLOGY major required courses, pre-requisites, and typical semester offerings.
Catalog Years 2024-2025 and later (i.e., started Fall 2024 or later)
Pathobiology majors who started or transferred into the major in Fall 2024 or later (Catalog Years 2023-2024 and later; check with your academic advisor) can consult the Pathobiology (BS) page in the Undergraduate Catalog for a list of current requirements.
Sample course sequences
PATHO•BIOLOGY students have several focus areas available: Pre-Professional Health Sciences (Pre-MED, Pre-DENTAL, Pre-PA, Pre-VET), Global Health, and Medical Biotechnology. We have sample course sequences below that can help you determine which classes to take and an order that may be effective.
The following are suggested sequence of courses for PATHOBIOLOGY students:
- It should be modified according to the needs of individual students in consultation with your Academic Advisor.
- Aim for an average of 15 credits per semester (a minimum of 12 credits/semester is necessary to be considered a full time student).
PATH 1000. Biomedical Issues in Pathobiology
2.00 credits
Pre or co-requisite: None
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person (Online synchronous option for regional campuses)
Instructor: Drs. Kerr and Khan
This introductory course focuses on current global issues of health and disease to describe fundamental topics in pathobiology. Global biomedical concerns regarding infectious diseases, population, cancer, biotechnology and environmental health will be addressed. Course content will provide examples of the impact of veterinary and human pathology on world health issues.
PATH 1100E. One Health: People, Animals, Plants, and the Environment
3.00 credits
Pre-requisite: None
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person (Online synchronous option for regional campuses)
Instructor: Drs. Reinhardt and Wunder
Exploration of health concepts and ecosystems where people, animals, plants, and the environment interconnect and impact each other. CA 3.
PATH 1201. Exploring Careers in Pathobiology
2.00 credits
Pre or co-requisite: None
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person (Online synchronous option for regional campuses)
Instructor: Drs. Verardi and Szczepanek
Exposure to the Pathobiology major and careers in Pathobiology through interactions with professionals in relevant careers, training in basic laboratory safety and research compliance, and development of a personalized career journal.
PATH 1202. Fundamental Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
2.00 credits
Pre or co-requisite: None
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person (Lab)
Instructor: Prof. Tulman
Hands-on, basic biomedical research laboratory techniques with an emphasis on chemical and biological safety, as well as laboratory proficiency.
PATH 2095. Special Topics
1.00-6.00 credits
Pre or co-requisite: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary
Offered: Vary
Modality: Vary
Instructor: Vary
Credits, prerequisites, and hours as determined by the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic.
PATH 2100. Anatomy and Physiology of Animals
4.00 credits
Pre-requisite: BIOL 1107 or equivalent
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person (Three class periods and one 2-hour discussion/laboratory period.)
Instructor: Dr. Reinhardt
A study of the anatomy and physiology of animals with reference to pathological changes of the component parts of the body.
PATH 2200. Modern Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
3.00 credits
Pre-requisite: BIOL 1107 or equivalent. Recommended preparation: PATH 1202.
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person (Lab)
Instructor: Prof. Tulman
PATH 2301. Health and Disease Management of Animals
3.00 credits
Pre-requisite: PATH 2100
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Drs. Kerr and Khan
Designed for students who plan to own and work with domestic animals. Its purpose is to develop student competence in disease management and to foster an intelligent working relationship with their veterinarian. The course will cover a systematic study of infectious and noninfectious diseases of domestic animals from the standpoint of economy and public health.
PATH 2710. Medical Microbiology: Bacteria and Fungi
4.00 credits
Pre-requisite: BIOL 1107 or equivalent (PATH 2710 and 2720 can be taken in any order)
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person (Lab)
Instructor: Dr. Geary and Prof. Tulman
PATH 2720. Medical Microbiology: Viruses and Parasites
4.00 credits
Pre-requisite: BIOL 1107 or equivalent (PATH 2710 and 2720 can be taken in any order)
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person (Lab)
Instructor: Dr. Garmendia and Prof. Tulman
PATH 2800. Medical Cell Biology
3.00 credits
Pre-requisite: BIOL 1107 or equivalent
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Reinhardt
PATH 3093. Foreign Studies in Pathobiology
1.00 to 15.00 credits
May be repeated for a total of 15 credits.
Prerequisite: None
Special topics taken in a foreign study program.
PATH 3094W. Seminar
2.00 credits
May be repeated for credit. Open only with consent of instructor.
Pre-requisite: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011
Offered: Fall and Spring semesters
Instructor: Dr. Khan
PATH 3095. Special Topics
1.00 - 6.00 credits
May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: None.
Topics and credits to be published prior to the registration period preceding the semester offerings.
PATH 3099. Independent Study
1.00 - 6.00 credits
May be repeated for credit
Prerequisites: None
Special problems in connection with departmental research programs and diagnostic procedures for diseases of animals. Some suggested topics are histopathologic laboratory procedures, clinical hematology, diagnostic bacteriology, diagnostic parasitology.
PATH 3401. Immunobiology
3.00 credits
Pre-requisite: BIOL 1107. Recommended preparation: Previous coursework in Cell Biology
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Verardi
Principles of basic and clinical immunobiology; phylogeny and ontogeny of the immune response, characteristics of the immune response, cellular and humoral immunity; central and peripheral lymphoid tissues; mechanisms of immunologic injury and immunologic diseases; comparative and veterinary immunology; transplantation and tumor immunology.
PATH 3501. Diagnostic Techniques for the Biomedical Sciences
2.00 credits
Pre-requisite: Instructor consent required.
Offered: Spring semester
One 1-hour lecture and one 3-hour laboratory.
Instructor: Dr. Risatti
Theoretical basis and practical exposure to modern laboratory methods used in the biomedical sciences for disease diagnosis.
PATH 3700. Emerging Infectious Diseases and Pandemics
3.00 credits
Pre-requisites: None
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Szczepanek
Mechanisms of emergence that different pathogens have used to cause disease in new hosts.
PATH 3810. Systems Pathophysiology I
3.00 credits
Recommended preparation: PATH 2800 or equivalent (PATH 3810 and 3820 can be taken in any order)
Offered: Fall semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Mishra
Organ-based study of human and animal diseases. Use of gross, microscopic, and physiologic evidence to diagnose disease. Topics covered include respiratory, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, lymphoid, musculoskeletal, and urinary systems.
PATH 3820. Systems Pathophysiology II
3.00 credits
Recommended preparation: PATH 2800 or equivalent (PATH 3810 and 3820 can be taken in any order)
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Mishra
Organ-based study of human and animal diseases. Use of gross, microscopic, and physiologic evidence to diagnose disease. Topics covered include central nervous, skin, hepatobiliary, endocrine, and digestive systems.
PATH 4000. Bioinformatics in Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
3.00 Credits
Pre-requisite: ANSC 3121, MCB 2400, or MCB 2410.
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Barrette
Basic concepts and terminologies in bioinformatics and infectious disease epidemiology. Hands-on, practical experiences in sequence analysis: database, alignment, phylogenetic analysis, and visualization of data.
PATH 4197W. Pathobiology Honors Thesis
3.00 credits
Pre-requisite: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open only to Honors students; instructor consent required.
Offered: Fall and Spring semesters
Instructor: Thesis advisor (and/or Honors advisor)
Writing of Honors thesis based on an independent research project in Pathobiology.
PATH 4203. Principles of Antibacterial Development
3.00 Credits
Pre-requisite: MCB 2610, or an equivalent course in general microbiology or bacteriology with consent of the instructor. Open to juniors or higher.
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: TBD
Designed to cover important concepts and pioneering strategies currently being used to develop novel antibacterials.
PATH 4230. Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics
3.00 Credits
Pre-requisite: PATH 3401 or an equivalent course in immunology.
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Szczepanek
Students develop an understanding of approaches for scientists and engineers to use the immune system to combat infectious and chronic diseases. Both traditional and modern molecular approaches to vaccine and immunotherapy design will be discussed. Students will gain an appreciation for the transition from basic research to practical applications.
The Department of Pathobiology offers three graduate degrees:
- Master of Science (M.S.)
- Thesis plan (Plan A)
- Non-thesis plan (Plan B)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Pathobiology, with areas of concentrations in:
- Bacteriology
- Pathology
- Virology
- M.S. degree in Pathobiology with an area of concentration in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology open only to veterinarians (D.V.M/V.M.D. or equivalent) accepted into the residency program in veterinary pathology.
Master of Science
For the areas of concentration in Bacteriology, Pathology, and Virology, students can follow either Plan A (thesis) or Plan B (non-thesis) options.
- For the Plan A, Master of Science degree, 21 credits of coursework and nine credits of GRAD 5950 or 5960 are required.
- For the Plan B, Master of Science degree, 30 credits of coursework followed by a comprehensive exam are required.
- All courses used to meet the degree and concentration requirements must be approved by the student’s major advisor.
For the M.S. degree with an area of concentration in veterinary anatomic pathology, students must take the following courses: PATH 5300, 5303, 5392, 5394, and 5594.
Doctor of Philosophy
For all areas of concentration, a total of 30 credits of coursework are required.
- All courses used to meet the degree and concentration requirements must be approved by the student’s major advisor.
- In addition, students will give at least three seminar presentations during their tenure (prospectus seminar, near midpoint of their research and dissertation defense).
- The General Exam should be taken within one semester after completing course work.
- A Dissertation Proposal is to be written in the form of an NIH grant proposal and presented in the form of a seminar.
- This is to be completed within six months of passing the general exam.
- Students must at a minimum have one first author publication before completion of their degree.
- The student must present at research seminars once per year.
- The Ph.D. in Pathobiology does not have a related area or foreign language requirement.
PATH 5094. Pathobiology Seminar
1.00 credit. May be repeated for a total of 10 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
PATH 5099. Research and Independent Study in Animal Diseases
1.00 - 6.00 credits. May be repeated for a total of 24 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
PATH 5201. Microbiology of Atypical Bacteria
2.00 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
An in-depth presentation of current information on medically significant atypical bacteria, with emphasis on molecular aspects of pathogenesis.
PATH 5202. Viral Pathogenesis
3.00 credits.
Prerequisites: A course in virology or microbiology and one in biochemistry, with consent of the instructor. Recommended preparation: A course in immunology or pathology.
Grading Basis: Graded
Review and discussion of recent advances regarding mechanisms involved in the development of viral disease at the virus, host, organ, tissue, cell, sub-cellular and molecular levels. Current advances in virus-host interactions will be discussed, including virulence factors, mechanisms of suppression and evasion of host responses, oncogenesis, persistence, immunopathology, neurotropism, neuroinvasion.
PATH 5203. Principles of Antibacterial Development
3.00 credits.
Prerequisites: A course in general microbiology or bacteriology with consent of the instructor.
Grading Basis: Graded
Important concepts and pioneering strategies currently being used to develop novel antibacterials.
PATH 5230. Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics
3.00 Credits
Pre-requisite: PATH 3401/5401 or an equivalent course in immunology.
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Szczepanek
Students develop an understanding of approaches for scientists and engineers to use the immune system to combat infectious and chronic diseases. Both traditional and modern molecular approaches to vaccine and immunotherapy design will be discussed. Students will gain an appreciation for the transition from basic research to practical applications.
PATH 5300. Disc of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science Literature
1.00 credit. May be repeated for a total of three credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Weekly discussion of current peer-reviewed literature related to pathobiological basis of disease.
PATH 5303. Veterinary Pathology Lecture Series
1.00 - 3.00 credits. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Lectures on veterinary and comparative anatomic pathology organized by animal species or disease classification utilizing lectures on electronic media in the context of a prescribed plan of study. May be repeated for credit with change in content.
PATH 5392. Practicum in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology
3.00 credits. May be repeated for a total of 18 credits.
Prerequisites: Open only to veterinarians accepted into the residency program in veterinary pathology.
Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Service-based learning of veterinary anatomic pathology through gross and histologic evaluation of necropsy and biopsy case material by direct review with faculty pathologists.
PATH 5394. Veterinary Pathology Seminar
2.00 credits. May be repeated for a total of 12 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Blinded examination of gross and histologic lesions with emphasis on lesion recognition, description and disease diagnosis, followed by group discussion of each case.
PATH 5401. Immunobiology
4.00 credits
Pre-requisite: Open with consent of instructor to graduate students, upper-level Honors students, and senior undergrad students with recommended preparation. Recommended Prep: Previous coursework in Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology, and Microbiology.
Offered: Spring semester
Modality: In person
Instructor: Dr. Verardi
Principles of basic and clinical immunobiology; phylogeny and ontogeny of the immune response, characteristics of the immune response, cellular and humoral immunity; central and peripheral lymphoid tissues; mechanisms of immunologic injury and immunologic diseases; comparative and veterinary immunology; transplantation and tumor immunology.
PATH 5431. Avian Pathology
2.00 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
A comprehensive study of systemic avian pathology, stressing the correlation of pathological changes with clinical and microbiological findings.
PATH 5503. Molecular Approaches to Disease Diagnosis and Prevention
2.00 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Molecular aspects of disease, with emphasis on methodologies and strategies for diagnosis, analysis and prophylaxis.
PATH 5594. Current Veterinary Pathology Literature
1.00 credits. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Detailed study of current veterinary pathology literature, with particular emphasis on lesions and mechanisms of disease.